All you are is nature.

Do you feel more alive in nature? No wonder. Nature is in us; we are a part of nature. We share the same origins, we grow, we thrive, we blossom, we shine with natural beauty. Take a closer look and see all the similarities we have with nature. That is why nothing makes us look and feel better than reconnecting with the power of nature. You are nature!

You and nature – it’s a match!

Stay connected with nature with us.

Choose ours natural skin care products!

Natural mild facial cream for sensitive skin
Soothes red bum from the very first day
Natural light cream for dry skin

Harnessing nature’s power since 1921.

Weleda has been a green beauty brand long before it became trendy. For 100 years we have been working with natural beauty and stayed true to our principles, setting milestones, improving our holistic way of growing and creating natural skin care products. Often to the same original, authentic formulas that nurture, energise, create natural beauty and take care of you.

Renewing people’s belief in nature.

Our principles are founded on the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself and gain natural beauty when supported by nature. Our potent and natural skin care products give valuable support to the body’s own processes. We help your body feel and look better by getting connected with nature. It is this foundation that makes Weleda unique. You are nature!

Our carefully selected superpower plants.

The rose flower for example, the queen of all flowers, with its many beautiful varieties and wonderful scents, is one of our superpower plants. The rosehip used in our Wild Rose series is one of the most effective oils to make the skin smooth and beautiful whilst the natural and fantastic scent of rosa damascena harmonises and relaxes your body and soul.

Find your perfect match in nature.

Our natural skin care products are specifically developed to give you and your skin what it truly needs to feel and look good. We grow and harvest some of the best natural ingredients to help you find your natural beauty. Choose natural skin care products today and remember, you are nature!

Natural mild facial cream for sensitive skin
Soothes red bum from the very first day
Natural light cream for dry skin